Poppy's Front Porch - in the Missouri Ozarks

Poppy's Front Porch - in the Missouri Ozarks
This photo was taken in 1949. My cousins and I remember the porch after our grandfather walled it in, added a door and big screen windows.

Friday, January 9, 2009

New game

As I have reported multiple times before, I listen to Yahoo radio frequently, mostly while at my desk at work. And from time to time I hear things that I probably have heard before but, somehow, this time it just hits me funny. Or hits me poignant. Or hits me clever.

Anyway, I thought, "This is Blog Material!" which probably proves I've too much time on my hands.

Well, here's the game - I print the lyrics that I heard that made me sit up and take notice and all you Porch Heads identify the song. Knowing this bunch, this will probably not be a hard game. However, it will give me something to write about and, after all, production is what we're after.

Here we go:

"turn your radio on
and find a slow, groovin’ song"

Identify the song. No Googling!! Leave your guess in the comments section. And I would suggest that the Grand Poobah of the Porch (Bob) let others guess before he weighs in. I suspect he'll be the Master of this game.

Have fun! I'll check back in a couple of days.

1 comment:

Bob Wingate said...

Okay Mike, don't panic, because I'm not going to give the answer.

I am going to encourage whoever is out there reading this blog to give it a try. Like the ACT test, there's no penalty for guessing.

All that preamble to say, I think this is a great game (kind of a text version of "Name That Tune"), and I'm already preparing a few quiz questions of my own.