Poppy's Front Porch - in the Missouri Ozarks

Poppy's Front Porch - in the Missouri Ozarks
This photo was taken in 1949. My cousins and I remember the porch after our grandfather walled it in, added a door and big screen windows.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Perhaps it's a supernatural delight

It's been said that it's a small world and I suppose in some way (or ways) it is. Or maybe it's not the size of the world but the number of possibilities that is relatively small, even though it seems as though a given event is about as unlikely as a whale landing on my house.

I'm expecting to see Bob this weekend, and thought I would see him tonight, but did not. His daughter's a senior at Missouri State and will graduate with a degree in Interior Design. I think that's right - her degree might be officially called something else.

Anyway, her and her soon-to-be similarly-degreed school chums were showing their projects in a gallery downtown and I went and saw her (and her project!) but missed her parental units. After a few minutes it was time to go, so I headed for the car. I got out onto the street and had not walked very far when I heard my name. I looked across the road and there was my daughter and her husband.

I ambled over and we chatted and soon up walked my son-in-law's uncle, whom they were meeting for dinner downtown. I left them and went on to the car. A few minutes later, in the car, and I was headed for my next destination and had the radio playing.

And what upon my wondering ears should fall, but the cheerful sounds of "Dancing In The Moonlight" by King Harvest. Regular readers of the Porch, whoever you are, would be familiar with the conversation that occurred on this blog with Bob and one of the members of King Harvest a while back. Bob had named "Dancing In The Moonlight" as one of his favorite tunes of 1973 and one of King Harvest's members was kind enough to chime in and provide some details, some real behind-the-scenes info! If you wish to re-live those heady times, the posts are here, also here and one there.

So, how likely is it that this confluence of events would occur in the space of 15 minutes and four blocks: I don't see Bob, who I expected to see; I see my daughter and her husband, who I don't expect to see; and I hear "Dancing In The Moonlight" on the radio which I probably haven't heard since Bob, who I expected to see but missed, was discussing it in the fall of 2008.

I'm not sure, but I think "Dancing In The Moonlight" should be considered the Official Song of Poppy's Front Porch.

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