Poppy's Front Porch - in the Missouri Ozarks

Poppy's Front Porch - in the Missouri Ozarks
This photo was taken in 1949. My cousins and I remember the porch after our grandfather walled it in, added a door and big screen windows.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Primarily about the upcoming primary

So far, I've resisted writing any political posts to this blog. My main purpose here is to have fun, share items of interest, and maybe come up with something new and creative.

What I don't want to do is start any heated political arguments (or cold political arguments, for that matter). I don't want to turn off any of my few readers, and I want my audience to grow.

But we are gearing up for that craziness we all know every four years, the presidential election, and I find it hard to hide my opinions entirely. My cousin Mike had an interesting post on his Central Standard blog site, which got me to think my way part of the way through the quandary I face come Tuesday. Which Republican should I vote for in the primary?

So here's a few questions for those of you who will vote in Republican primaries - or participate in Republican caucuses (hi, Kansas) soon. That is, if you wish to answer...
Who do you plan to vote for, and why?
If the Republican party nominates someone else rather than your first choice, will you still support the Republican candidate, will you cross over and vote for someone from another party, or will you sit out the vote in November?

If you'd like to read what I replied to Cousin Mike, here's the link:

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