Poppy's Front Porch - in the Missouri Ozarks

Poppy's Front Porch - in the Missouri Ozarks
This photo was taken in 1949. My cousins and I remember the porch after our grandfather walled it in, added a door and big screen windows.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Once more for the old year

I don't want to wish my life away, but I have to be honest. I can't recall another year I've wanted to kick under the bus more than this past one.

Goodbye 2011...don't let the door hit you.

It's been a rough year around here, but let's talk of pleasant things instead. Right now, my family and I are really enjoying a visit with our eldest daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter from California. Certainly one of the highest points of the year, along with their earlier visit near Thanksgiving.

Other highlights...back in June, my wife, my sister and I drove to Ohio to visit some of my relatives. That was a really fun visit, we enjoyed seeing my aunt, uncle, and four guy cousins and their wives. Stories were told, pictures were taken, and dinners were eaten. The other thing that made this special was the time spent with my sister visiting, taking turns driving and listening to music.

I also got to do a couple of things I've always wanted to do. Our church had a fireworks tent this year, and I volunteered to work a shift. And in mid November, I helped a friend of the family wire up a professional looking Christmas light display...animated, computer controlled, and set to music. The works. The family and I drove over there a few days ago to watch and listen to the show. It turned out really nice.

So I ought to just leave it at that, count my blessings, and end with my wish for a healthy, prosperous, and Happy New Year. May 2012 be a better year for us all. It just about has to be (I didn't go into all the various losses here this year, so just trust me on that).

I did get to thinking about one other thing...what was new in my life in past years. Regular readers of Poppy's Front Porch know that I like to make lists. Anyway...

Some positive things the years have brought...

1957 - my family's big trip to Colorado

1959 - our move to a bigger house and my start of school

1964 - baptized and joined the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod

1966 - lit the candles at my sister's wedding and added a brother-in-law to my family

1967 - flew with my dad to Atlanta and back. Later, discovered the hobby of model rocketry.

1969 - watched the Apollo 11 moon landing on tv and started high school in the fall

1972 - graduated high school and went off to Central Methodist College

1975 - transferred to the University of Missouri (lost some credits, but hey...)

1977 - graduated with a BA degree and got my first (short lived) mapping job

1979 - became interested in genealogy and started working on the family tree

1982 - married my best friend, still my lovely young bride. Saw the ocean for the first time on our honeymoon to Florida.

1985 - our first daughter born

1986 - attended a National Association of Rocketry regional meet and started becoming active in the NAR

1988 - landed my longest mapping job (lasted 13 years)

1989 - our second daughter born

1991 - our son born

1995 - our third daughter born

2005 - our first daughter's wedding. Later, our first granddaughter born.

2009 - our family's big trip to Colorado, Utah (Zion NP), California (our daughter's house and Disneyland), the Grand Canyon, and back

2010 - our second granddaughter born

I could probably find a few stories in all that.

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