Poppy's Front Porch - in the Missouri Ozarks

Poppy's Front Porch - in the Missouri Ozarks
This photo was taken in 1949. My cousins and I remember the porch after our grandfather walled it in, added a door and big screen windows.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Blast from the past

It's funny what you think of during the course of a day. Today I happened to remember an old public service announcement that I used to see every so often on television back in the 1960's and '70's. A serious warning about the dangers of...yes, that's right...

Blasting Caps!

What I recalled was that while the spokesman warned about being careful when you play outside, the camera would zoom in and someone would point out three blasting caps laid out on the ground - don't touch! Then the scene cut to a movie of an explosion. I had forgotten who the celebrity spokesman was until I checked online...well, Youtube to the rescue!

I won't make light about the safety issue, apparently those things were / are dangerous enough. But I'm curious about the background of this. Why this particular warning? And why don't we see this PSA today? Are the cleanup procedures at construction sites better now, so it's no longer an issue? Were they lax about such things 40 years ago? Was there a theft of blasting caps, with some being found in vacant lots? Or did a crew that filmed Public Service Announcements sit around one day...

"Cuthbert": "Guys, we need to make one more PSA to complete our contract, and frankly I'm stumped. Got any ideas?"

"Frank Lee": "Hmmm...what about we do one on blasting caps? Those suckers could really hurt a kid."

(Assumed names to protect the innocent.)

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