Poppy's Front Porch - in the Missouri Ozarks

Poppy's Front Porch - in the Missouri Ozarks
This photo was taken in 1949. My cousins and I remember the porch after our grandfather walled it in, added a door and big screen windows.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Mark your calendars

There are some fun "minor" holidays coming up, starting tomorrow...

Friday, 3-14: Pi Day. When I heard of this almost a year ago, I thought it was a fun diversion invented by math "geeks", who challenge each other to memorize the number pi to the most places (Pi starts with 3.14...hence the choice of March 14th). Apparently some people actually wait until March 14, 1:59:26 p.m. to celebrate (to seven places, pi=3.1415926). I have since learned that many math teachers choose this day to come up with classroom lessons about pi, the ratio between the diameter and the circumference of a circle. No matter how it started, it's a good excuse to have pie for dessert.

Saturday, 3-15: The day the buzzards return to Hinckley, Ohio.

Sunday, 3-16: St. Urho's Day. Saint Urho (pronounced ARRR-hoe - stress the first syllable and trill the "r") is said to have chased the grasshoppers out of Finland, saving the grape crop (because of the grapes, people celebrate by wearing purple). For more details, go here. http://www.sainturho.com

Monday, 3-17: St. Patrick's Day. You've probably heard of this one...something about snakes and some island country. And since I'm 1/4 Finnish in ancestry and about 1/4 Irish with some Scottish mixed in, I plan to wear purple on Sunday and green on Monday.

Not to mention the bigger, more significant holiday week beginning Sunday. With Easter early this year...
Sunday, 3-16: Palm Sunday
Thursday, 3-20: Maundy Thursday
Friday, 3-21: Good Friday
Sunday, 3-23: Easter Sunday (He is risen indeed!)

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