My number one son came up the stairs this evening and asked me an important question. If you could have just one super power, what would it be?
Jacob decided that he would like to be able to fly, though, he had reservations about it. He thought he'd like something more effective in actually changing his surroundings.
What inspired the question is his newfound interest in the NBC program "Heroes".
Anyway, after brief deliberation, I decided I would want supersonic speed like Flash (pictured). As we all know, Batman is King, but he lacks any super powers. And of course, this is a large part of why he is King. I always liked Flash and having super speed is not a bad power at all, it's as good as flying in many ways.
So, Porch Heads, what would it be? Flying? Super Speed? Web-Spinning and Wall-Crawling?
And, not to be overlooked are Slipping Under Doors Like Jello and the Ability to Be Lint. These are options, as well.