2008 is under way. Twenty-oh-eight. That's just weird, and I'm not really sure why. Maybe because it's a leap year. Or maybe because when I was a kid, no one thought about 2008 much. Sure, there was that movie called 2001, but if you'd have asked me about 2008...
"Hey kid, what will life be like in 2008?"
"Eh, who knows, mister?"
(Proof that the 70's were modern.)
Well, we still don't have flying cars or jet packs in abundance, and you still have to eat your meals instead of just swallowing a food pill. We haven't sent a man to Mars yet. And don't get me started on how many years it's been since an astronaut's been on the Moon...I'm in a good mood and I don't want to spoil that.
And that's about the only bit of creativity I have to show for the new year, so far.
Anyway, I was just looking at buzz.mn (by way of James Lileks' The Bleat site), and I found out that this is National Trivia Day.
So, what's your favorite trivia? Best response wins...well, nothing, actually. But it'll be fun.